Monday, November 17, 2008

Some updates!

Hey! Sorry I've been rather scarce with my posts. School keeps me super busy. But anyways, I just wanted to let everyone know what has been happening over the past week or so. I should be getting my passport with Alex on Friday this week after I'm through with all my exams on Thursday. That is going to be a huge step forward in making this happen. Also, on November 24 (MY BIRTHDAY!!) Jill, the coordinator of the trip is giving a presentation down at Shands to all the members that will be attending this trip. I didn't mention before, but me and three of my friends are working with Jill, who works at Shands (the teaching hospital around here), to organize the trip. My friends and I are going to be the ones to decide who goes on the trip. I've recieved alot of applications and we will begin reviewing them in early December so that we can have a finalized list of who is attending at the very beginning of the semester. I've seen alot of really great applications (and several not so great), but we are going to have a full house going on this trip. It seems like everyone is getting really excited about it. We are also going to be organizing a large fundraising event for the trip to help bring down costs. I think we'll be hosting a guitar hero tournement, which is going to be AWSOME! Anyways, I think that's all I got for you right now. I'll just leave you with a very pretty picture of Banjul, the capital of Gambia! YAY!


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